New Piece in Tuesday Shorts (R.I.P.)

I have a new piece, "Goosebump Braille," up at Tuesday Shorts, along with pieces by Crispin Best and Howie Good. Unfortunately, this is the last issue of Tuesday Shorts. It's sad, one less creative outlet for writers to stick their fingers into.

New Piece in The Brandi Wells Review

I have a new piece, "Fledgling Taxidermy," in The Brandi Wells Review. It's a chapter from a novel of stories called "The Immortals Act Their Age." This issue also includes work by Abjective editor Darby Larson, and a good friend of mine, Eric Balaz.

Gold Wake Press Blog

There is now a Gold Wake Press blog, offering updates on any news regarding Gold Wake authors.

Two Paradoxes

1) I was absent the day they handed out the award for perfect attendance.
2) What if there was no such thing as a hypothetical situation?

Unscroll 1.0 is up at Gold Wake Press

I have a new piece called "Pseudo-Masochist" in Unscroll, a new experimental online magazine under the Gold Wake Press umbrella. This first issue also features work by the formidable J.A. Tyler, a brave, funny piece by Jeff Crouch, and a very delicate poem by Dawn Leas. Enjoy.

J.A. Tyler also has a new e-chap up at Gold Wake. Read it here.