The Medulla Review, Issue #3, and 'The Immortals'

Issue #3 of The Medulla Review is live, and it includes a chapter from The Immortals Act Their Age called “Placebo Effect.” Issue #3 is “themed around darkness, death, apocalypse, and alternate / future realities.” Here is an introduction from editor Jennifer Hollie Bowles:

Dear Writers and Readers,

Volume 1, Issue #3 of The Medulla Review is themed around darkness, death, apocalypse, and alternate/future realities. I am awed by the original and fearless ways in which writers tackled these heavy themes. The works chosen show how beauty and irony breathe even in the most painful of human hours and depths; how life is impossible without death and its latent meaning—change; how apocalypse can be necessary and gentle, and how the seeds of the future lie everywhere in our individual and social constructions of reality.

Sometimes love is the darkest of emotions, marriage the worst of hells, and politics the most depraved of endeavors. Perhaps it is not death that frightens us so, but rather it is seeing our loved ones fragile and feeble—and our fear of letting them go.

Some writers questioned philosophers and gods, and some searched for answers in caterpillars and mice, storm leaves and skin cells, carnivals and crayons, and even in the ultimate symbolism of a mere can of tuna in the face of starvation. Yet, in all of these musings, voices emerged through the minds' awareness of unknowing within knowing and the hearts' passion to connect with others in this—creative catalyst—we call existence.


Jennifer Hollie Bowles
The Medulla Review

There's a lot of great work in this issue. Big thanks again, Jennifer...


Ethel Rohan said...

Congratulations, Eric. I'm a big fan of The Medulla Review. Jennifer is doing fine, fine things there.

Eric Beeny said...

Big thanks, Ethel...

Mel Bosworth said...




Eric Beeny said...



