Reading to My Daughter

I love reading to my daughter. The other night, I read A Filed of Colors by Charles Lennox, some pieces from When the Cats Razzed the Chickens by Mel Bosworth and some pieces from A Cake Appeared by Shane Jones. She loved all of these, laughed several times because the images are wonderfully imaginative. Some things she loved specifically include:
A Field of Colors:

-Finding a rainbow stick in a field, licking it, and the rainbow stick tasting like pancake syrup
-Rabbits the size of houses
-A field of empty chairs and sitting in each one

When the Cats Razzed the Chickens:

-The wonderful names, like "Glitterbug" and "Hucklebuck," "Hambone Sizzlewitt"
-A beard giving hugs and kisses, chewing gum, coming children’s hair
-Someone melting into a beach, and wearing a seaweed necklace while teeth drip down your throat 

A Cake Appeared: 

-One of the characters’ names is “Pants”  
-Taking a dinosaur to the zoo to meet the gorillas-Blocks of wood falling like cubes of ice from a twisted bird, a cake appearing out of nowhere
-Taking a dinosaur to the zoo to meet the gorillas
-Blocks of wood falling like cubes of ice from a twisted bird, a cake appearing out of nowhere


Mel Bosworth said...
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Mel Bosworth said...

awesome awesome. gonna have to stock myself up on some shane jones this spring/summer. charles lennox too. then some beeny. ahhhh yeah.

(note:couldn't spell the first time around. still can't spell.)

hugs to you and your daughter, e.

Unknown said...

How was A Cake Appeared?

If your daughter liked something I wrote, then that's all the encouragement I need to hear.

Eric Beeny said...

Big Mel, Jones and Lennox, yes, yes, stock up. "A Field of Colors" can be found in the MLP First Year Anthology, or in Keyhole. Big hugs to you, too, Melly-Mel...

'A Cake Appeared' is good, very much like Russell Edson. And yes, my daughter loved "A Field of Colors" big, as did I, Charles...